CHAIR HOW-TO: iThenticate
iThenticate needs to be enabled by CMT on a selective basis for certain IEEE conferences.
The instructions below are for information purposes.
It is advised to enable iThenticate before you enable submissions as authors need to agree to the terms of iThenticate.
iThenticate is the leading provider of professional plagiarism detection and prevention technology used worldwide by scholarly publishers and research institutions to ensure the originality of written work before publication. Papers can be sent from CMT to iThenticate for checking for plagiarism.
Once iThenticate is enabled, the iThenticate agreement checkbox appears on the Submission page when the authors upload their papers.
Papers sent to iThenticate are to be in .pdf format only. No other formats will be accepted.
For example, sending a .docx file will give an error.
- From the Settings tab click ‘Features>iThenticate,’ enable the checkbox. The Chairs can use the dropdown to configure whether to send Submission File or Camera-Ready File for plagiarism detection. Click ‘Save changes.’
If your IEEE conference does not have this option, it will have to be enabled by CMT Support.
In a multi-track conference, it must be enabled in each track.
Authors will see this agreement in the Submission Form only when iThenticate is enabled in your conference.
- Once iThenticate is enabled for all tracks, Authors will then need to agree to the use of iThenticate. The Author will check the required checkbox in the iThenticate agreement section on the Submission Form.
USING iThenticate
iThenticate workflow consists of the following:
- Send Papers (in pdf format)
- Retrieve Result
- View Results
iThenticate workflow pages can be accessed from the Chair Console.
Send Papers in Bulk
• From the Chair Console click ‘Actions>iThenicate’
- From the secondary menu select 'Send Papers'
The iThenticate page opens.
The table shows two tabs - 'Send Bulk' and 'Send One,' with the focus on the 'Send Bulk' tab.
The labels are 'Paper Status,' 'Number of Authorized Papers,' and the 'Number of Files' to be sent.
- From the 'Send Bulk' tab select the row you want to send to iThenticate, then click ‘Send.’
You will then see the progress of the papers sent to iThenticate.
- Click ok when it reaches 100%.
Send One Paper
- From the iThenticate page, select the 'Send One' tab.
- Then enter the paper ID and click send
Retrieve Result
It may take some time for iThenticate to process a matching request. The more papers and reviewers, the longer it takes for RESULTS to be ready for retrieval.
- Click on the Retrieve Result tab. If it is still processing, you will see the ‘pending’ message.
- When they have been done you will see ‘Retrieved.’ Click ‘OK.’
View Status
Here you can see if the papers are done processing and what percentage of the paper is a match for plagiarism. The lower the percentage the less likely to contain plagiarism.
- Click View Status. If the papers are still processing, you will see the ‘Status’ of ‘Sent’ instead of ‘Done.’ The ‘%Match’ column will also be blank.
When the files are finished processing, the status will read, ‘Done.’ The ‘%Match’ column will be populated along with links in the 'Report' column.
- Click 'View Report of the paper desired
The iThentictae report for that submission opens
Save Reports
Reports can be saved as a pdf.
- Click the printer icon in the lower left of the report.
It will open a pdf of the report which can then be saved
From the Chair Console you can go to any one of these iThenticate tabs below... selecting the tab name from the secondary menu