FAQ-Chair: Manage Tracks
How do I add/delete/modify a track for my conference?
Go to Settings, General>Tracks. The guide to manage tracks is here.
How do I invite a Track Chair?
You cannot ‘invite’ Track Chairs, per se. Invitations are for the Reviewer roles.
First the potential Track Chair will need to have a CMT account. Then you would add their registered CMT account email to the conference in the role of Track Chair
How can I add/modify/remove a user as a Track Chair?
To add or remove any roles, you can go to the "Users -> Conference User" menu and use "More -> Manage Roles" corresponding to the user's name.
How do Chairs change tracks for a paper?
Tracks for papers can be changed using the "More, Change Track" menu corresponding to the Paper Id on the Submissions page. Be aware that if the paper already has Reviews and/or Meta-Reviews, these will not copy over to the new track. Tracks are like mini-conferences within a conference, which may have different questions, PC members, etc., so anything moved from one track to another will likely result in some lost information if not careful.
Why do I only see forms for one track?
You will need to change your Role to "Chair" using the drop-down menu next to "Select Your Role" towards the upper right corner of any page if you want to access all tracks. You are more than likely accessing forms from the Track Chair console which will give you access only to your assigned track.
Can we update settings for each track separately?
In a multi-track conference Chairs/Track Chairs can modify dates and other settings as needed for the tracks at any time. PC and all settings for new tracks are independent of main track. It can be different for each track.
I deleted a Track and now the submissions are gone.
Once a track is deleted with submissions it cannot be restored by the chairs. Please contact CMT Support.