CHAIR HOW-TO: Email Users by Individual Paper
Chairs can email one or all users of a particular paper.
The email templates created for the emails sent from one page may not work in other pages because different pages have different placeholders. Not all placeholders will work in all pages.
- From the Chair Console find the Paper by which emails are to be sent. Go to the end of the row, click ‘More>Email>…’ (choose which group is to be emailed and for what reason).
The choices are:
Authors (All Registered): Email all authors of that paper that have a CMT account
Author (Primary Contact): Email just the Primary Contact for that paper
Reviewers (All): Email all assigned reviewers for that paper
Reviewers (Not Completed Note): Email all the reviewers who have not completed filling out the Note
Reviewers (Not Completed Review): Email all the reviewers who have not yet completed their reviews of the paper
Reviewers (No Posts Yet): Email all reviewers who have not posted a Discussion message about the paper
Meta-Reviewers (All): Email all assigned meta-reviewers for that paper
Meta-Reviewers (Not Completed Note): Email all the meta-reviewers who have not completed filling out the Meta-Reviwer Note
Meta-Reviewers (Not Completed Meta-Review): Email all the meta-reviewers who have not yet completed their meta-reviews of the paper
Senior Meta-Reviewer: Email all assigned senior meta-reviewers for that paper
- In this example we selected 'Author (Primary Contact). You may elect to write out the email or use a template.
If there are no predefined templates, please refer to the Email Authors help document on how to build a template.