CHAIR HOW-TO: Import Meta-Reviewers
There are a number of ways to add Meta-Reviewers to a conference:
- Adding the Meta-Reviewer role to an existing user already in the conference.
- Import them in bulk
- Invite them one at a time
- Invite them in bulk
Trying to import an unregistered email (an email that is not a valid account in CMT) will result in a 'FAIL' for that user. The user will not be added to the conference.
This document will cover importing Meta-Reviewers. Importing Meta-Reviewers will automatically add them to the conference as Meta-Reviewers.
No invitation will be sent.
No automatic email will be sent.
- From the User’s dropdown select ‘Meta-Reviewers>Import.’
- The Import Meta-Reviewers page opens. To bulk import Meta-Reviewers please upload a "Tab Delimited" file. Each line of the file must contain the following tab delimited fields (order must be preserved):
- Open a text editor and enter the Meta-Reviewers’ information as noted in the ‘Import Meta-Reviewer’ page.
- Save file as ‘Tab Delimited.’
- From the ‘Import Meta-Reviewer’ page click ‘Upload Meta-Reviewers.’
- Click ‘Open.’
- Verify the data. Click ‘Save Changes.’
- Verify the ‘Manage Meta-Reviewers’ page shows the imported Meta-Reviewers.
Everything is the same as a single track conference except there will be a list of tracks to pick when a proper file is uploaded.
When you use bulk import:
- No invitation will be sent.
- No automatic email will be sent.
- Meta-Reviewers cannot accept/decline – they are just added to the conference.
It is advised to use bulk import when you know the meta-reviewers want to be meta-reviewers for your conference.