FAQ-Chair: Manage Conflicts
Senior Meta-Reviewer setting, "Do not use senior meta-reviewer conflict with submission" is greyed-out. How can I ignore conflicts between SMRs and submissions?
The setting is only enabled when “Assign paper to senior meta-reviewer through meta-reviewer” is selected. When directly assigning SMRs to papers, there is no way to ignore their conflicts with papers (you can always adjust assignment).
Why do I get an error when saving a bidding deadline?
The error you will see is: ×Unable to save deadline settings. For double blind conference, bidding is not allowed when conflict selection is enabled!
- If conflict selections are enabled, reviewers can guess the authors of papers that they are bidding on by changing their conflicts. Therefore, CMT checks to make sure bidding and conflict selections can not be enabled at the same time, for a double-blind track.
- If you are to keep double blind and reviewer bidding enabled, then the conflict settings ‘Do not allow editing individual conflicts’ and ‘Do not allow editing personal domain conflicts’ must be enabled.
When is dblp data pulled?
New DBLP data is pulled on the second day of each month which could result in new conflicts being found between reviewers and the papers that are already assigned to them.
Selecting 'Do not compute new dblp conflicts' will freeze the DBLP update for the remainder of the conference.
How do I find authors who have yet to submit domain conflicts?
From 'Manage Conference Users' page, filter 'Roles' by 'Author' and 'Domain Conflicts Entered = No.' You may then email all of those authors by selecting 'Actions -> Email.'
Can I enable conflicts after the bidding phase?
Yes, you can enable conflicts after bidding. The conflicts will be taken into account during assignments. It also means that some bids will become invalid due to conflicts.
Can I export conflict domains of Meta-Reviewers?
Yes. On the 'Manage Conference Users' page, you can filter users by Meta-Reviewer role and then click 'Actions>Export.'
How do I email only authors with missing conflicts?
From “Manage Conference Users” page, filter “Roles” by “Author” and “Domain Conflicts Entered = No”, and select “Actions -> Email”.
How do we disable the "Edit Conflict of Interest" page after Author submissions?
Chairs can deselect the setting "Enable authors to mark submission conflicts with PC members" from "Settings -> Features -> Conflict" page.
I have "Do not allow editing personal domain conflicts" enabled so how can a reviewer update their domain conflicts?
In a multi-track conference, domains are entered for the entire conference, not for individual tracks. If one track has “Enable personal domain conflicts for authors and PC members” selected and “Do not allow editing personal domain conflicts” not selected, users will be able to edit their domains.
Why do I get I get “Bad Request (400)” when entering my domain conflicts?
It needs to be entered with the domain name such as ‘xxxxx.edu’, or 'myoldworkplace.xxx'.
Meta-Reviewer invited a potential Reviewer to a specific submission but the Reviewer gets an error when accepting
When am Meta-Reviewer invites a user to review a specific paper, there can be some issues that a Meta-Reviewer may not be able to see depending upon how the Chairs configure the conference.
It is likely the Reviewer has a conflict with that paper.
If the Reviewer were invited to the conference itself, not the submission, that Reviewer would accept the invite and subsequently have the orle of Reviewer in the conference – and not gotten the error.
However, when assignments were to be given out, that paper would not be one of those valid assignments – it wouldn’t even show up for the Reviewer as a possible paper (again depending upon configuration by the Chairs).
Why can't I remove Individual Conflicts?
If the Individual Conflicts page is blank, yet there are Individual Conflicts, that means the Chairs have imported an Individual Conflicts file. Any removal of conflicts must be done by CMT Support.