CHAIR HOW-TO: Import Chair Note
Some Conferences need to notify the Authors in a pipeline manner, or in different Sessions. For example, in week 10 they would notify 500 decided cases, in week 11 they would notify 300 others, in week 12 they would notify 200, etc.
To ensure that the first 500 will not be notified again, the Chair can create Chair Note questions with the following choices. These questions are configured as not visible to other roles.
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
At each notification phase, the Chair ‘answers the question’ for papers in that particular session. In other words, the first 500 papers would get ‘Session 1’.
This is done by importing the Chair Note.
The Chair would then filter the note for the Session they want, set paper status (in bulk), then notify Authors (in bulk).
- From the Settings tab click Notes>Chair,’ then ‘+Add new Question.’
- In the 'Create New Question' pop-up, write the title of the note in the 'Text' field.
In this case it is 'Session.' Since this is for Chairs' view only, leave the checkboxes empty.
- Click the 'Type' dropdown and select 'Options.'
- Select 'Drop down list with single choice (drop down box)'
It is important to select this option instead of a radio button because a radio button will not allow removal of the answer in the 'Chair Console' if need be.
- In the 'Choices' field, click ‘+Add New Choice.’ Enter the first choice name. In this case 'Session 1.'
- Click ‘+Add New Choice’ again to add the subsequest 'Session' names. Click 'Save changes.'
The 'Chair Note Questions' page shows the saved note.
- Go to the ‘Chair Console.’ The Chair Note, 'Session,' is visible in the column header.
- Click 'Actions>Import Note>Session'
The 'Bulk Import Chair Note (Tab Delimited file)' page opens.
- Click 'Download template.'
- Save the template locally.
- Open the file with a text editor and enter the appropriate information.
In this case Paper IDs 34 and 36 will be in Session 1, and Paper ID 35 will be in Session 3. Type in the Paper ID in the extreme left, then hit the [TAB] key and type in the Session. Save the file.
- In the 'Bulk Import Chair Note (Tab Delimited file)' page, click 'Upload.'
- A successful upload will show as a green 'OK.' Verify the Paper IDs and Sessions are correct, then click 'Save Changes.'
The 'Chair Console' now shows the correct 'Chair Notes' for those papers.
- Sometimes the Chair needs to remove the Note from a particular paper. In this case, we want to completely remove the 'Session 3' note from Paper 35. Click 'Edit Note.'
- In the 'Edit Chair Note' page click the dropdown of the note and select the blank space above 'Session 1.'
This is why 'Drop down list with single choice (drop down box)' was selected when writing the questions. A radio button will not allow removal of the answer in the 'Chair Console.'
Click 'Save changes.'
The Chair Console shows the note has been removed.
- Enter the name of the Session desired in the filter of the Chair note Session column. In this case, 'Session 1.'
- Click 'Actions>Paper Status>Bulk Edit.'
- In the 'Bulk Edit Paper Status' popup, click the dropdown and select the status desired for the papers. Then save the changes.
The status now shows for the desired papers.
Related: Email Authors
Related: Manage Chair Note