As a Meta-Reviewer, how do I download the submission files?
From the Meta-Reviewer Console of your conference, click Actions>Download>[choose Submission Files or Submission and Supplemental Files]. The Meta-Reviewer should contact the chair with any questions.
Why can Meta-Reviewers see the assigned paper but not edit their meta-review?
Either the Meta-Review deadline has passed, or the the 'Read Only' column in the Chair Console is set to 'Yes'. The Reviewer should contact the chair for more information.
How do I get the Review values to show in the Meta-Reviewer Console?
Presuming the Review questions have 'Visible to meta-reviewers' checked and you are assigned the papers with the weighted review answers, the ‘Show aggregate columns’ box needs to be enabled in Settings>Features>Review page. Only the Chair can do this function.
Why can't Meta-Reviewers view their assignments?
- Chairs need to enable Meta-Review Submission Activity and set an appropriate deadline (for each track separately) in order for Meta-Reviewers to access their assigned papers.
- The Meta-Reviewer needs to change their Role to Meta-Reviewer. Click the dropdown next to 'Select Your Role' at the top of the page
- The Meta-Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Meta-Reviewer.
- Papers have not been assigned yet.
- A conflict arose and the papers were re-assigned.
After logging in to the correct conference, why can't the Meta-Reviewer see their role?
The Meta-Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Meta-Reviewer. The Chair can find the correct email in the 'Manage Meta-Reviewers' page and resolve the issue.
Why can't Meta-Reviewers find their conferences after they log in?
This is more than likely because they are logging in with an incorrect email. Please note CMT does not keep conferences more than a couple of years after it has ended to reduce cost. Once the conference is removed from CMT, the data is no longer available.
Why does it say, 'No Questions Configured' when I go to enter my meta-review?
The Chair has not created any Meta-Review questions.
The Reviewer should contact the chairs for resolution.
What is the difference between Add a Reviewer and Invite a Reviewer?
When the Chair permits, a Meta-Reviewer can add a Reviewer to the overall conference. No email is sent.
Inviting a Reviewer will send an email asking the Reviewer to review a specific paper.
View the Meta-Reviewer Help Center document here.
Why is my name visible in the discussion page when it should be anonymous?
Unless configured by the chair otherwise, in the Discussion page, your name is visible only to you. Other Meta-Reviewers see you as 'Meta-Reviewer #1' or 'Meta-Reviewer #2,' and so forth.
How can Meta-Reviewers know if they are primary or secondary Meta-Reviewer of the paper?
There is no primary or secondary Meta-Reviewer. The numbers on the 'Meta-Reviewer Console,' (Meta-Reviewer #1, Meta-Reviewer #2) is just an identifier because of anonymity; it is to differentiate which Meta-Reviewer said what - it is not a hierarchal structure.
Why can't I email my Senior Meta-Reviewer?
- If the chair has 'Do not allow meta-reviewer to email senior meta-reviewer' enabled, then the Meta-Reviewer will not be able to email the Senior Meta-Reviewer.
- If the 'Email Senior Meta-Reviewer' link is active, but the emails do not send, it is likely the Senior Meta-Reviewer enabled 'Do not send me conference email' in their profile settings. Please contact the chairs for resolution.
Why are Meta-Reviewers unable to submit their Meta-Reviews?
If the Meta-Review submission is disabled, then Meta-Reviewers will only be able to see papers assigned to them. They will not be able to download files or submit their comments. If the Meta-Review itself doesn't save, make sure all the questions marked with an asterisk are answered. The Meta-Reviewer should contact the chair for more information.
I can see the abstract, but why is there no download link for the submission file?
In the Meta-Reviewing phase, if there is no submission file for Meta-Reviewers to download, then the Author has not uploaded a file. The Meta-Reviewer should contact the chair with any questions.
Is there a way Meta-Reviewers can invite Reviewers?
Currently Meta-Reviewers can only invite Reviewers for a particular submission. They can't invite Reviewers for later assignments (like chairs can). This must be enabled by the Chairs.
I re-sent an invitation to a Reviewer as a Meta-Reviewer but why don't I see it in the View Invites page?
When an invitation is re-sent, it updates the entry, it does not create a new entry. The difference will be in the timestamp. Additionally, both invites will show up in the Email History of the Chair in the Chair Console.
Are there default meta-review forms?
Each conference is unique. All forms, including the Meta-Review forms, will need to be created.
How do I delete a meta-review?
Only the Chairs can delete a meta-review. Contact the Chairs of the conference if you must delete your meta-review rather than modify it.
Why can't Meta-Reviewers see Reviewer emails in their history?
Chairs must enable the Meta-Reviewer setting 'Show reviewer identity to meta-reviewer'.
Meta-Reviewer can't find the specific Reviewer to assign
The Reviewer must be added to the conference before any assignments can be made. If configured by the chair for Meta-Reviewers to add Reviewers, then follow this guide (as long as the Reviewer to add has a valid CMT account).
Why can't I see the authors' identities during meta-review?
The Chair has enabled ‘Do not allow meta-reviewer to see author identity’. Contact the Chairs directly for more information.
Is there a drag and drop feature for editing suggested reviewers?
At this time drag and drop is not supported.
Meta-Reviewer invited a potential Reviewer to a specific submission but the Reviewer gets an error when accepting
When a Meta-Reviewer invites a user to review a specific paper, there can be some issues that a Meta-Reviewer may not be able to see depending upon how the Chairs configure the conference.
It is likely the Reviewer has a conflict with that paper.
If the Reviewer were invited to the conference itself, not the submission, that Reviewer would accept the invite and subsequently have the role of Reviewer in the conference – and not gotten the error.
However, when assignments were to be given out, that paper would not be one of those valid assignments – it wouldn’t even show up for the Reviewer as a possible paper (again depending upon configuration by the Chairs).
Meta-Reviewer invited a potential Reviewer to a specific submission but the Meta-Reviewer gets an error when trying to send invite
As noted in the guide, You should not invite existing Reviewers to a paper; you should just assign them. The error clearly states, "The user can't be invited as reviewer for paper xx as the user is already a regular reviewer." If the Meta-Reviewer cannot assign the Reviewer, contact the Chair.
Why are Reviewer ratings shown on the 'Reviews' page and not on the 'All Reviewing Details' page?
The Review rating entered by Meta-Reviewers should not be visible to Reviewers.
Why am I getting a 'Conflict error 409' when adding a reviewer?
If a reviewer was added by meta-reviewer, then he/she cannot be added by other meta-reviewers.
Can a Meta-Reviewer invite Reviewers for the conference and not just a specific paper?
Meta-Reviewers can only invite reviewers for specific papers only. Only chairs can invite reviewers that can be assigned any paper after they accept.