Why is my name visible in the discussion page when it should be anonymous?
Unless configured by the chair otherwise, in the Discussion page, your name is visible only to you. Other Reviewers see you as 'Reviewer #1' or 'Reviewer #2,' and so forth.
Why can't Reviewers view their assignments?
The reasons a Reviewer cannot see their assignments are:
- The Reviewing phase needs to be enabled correctly, with proper end dates.
- The Reviewer needs to change their Role to Reviewer.
Click the dropdown next to 'Select Your Role' at the top of the page - The Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Reviewer.
- Papers have not been assigned yet.
- A conflict arose and the papers were re-assigned.
Please contact the chairs for more information.
Why is my invitation link expired when I just got it?
The chair re-sent new invitations. You are likely clicking on a previous invitiation. Please contact the chairs to make sure the correct email is used.
I accepted the reviewer invitation so why do I still have problems logging in?
- Make sure you are using the correct email.
- Do not use the link from the email to log in; use this link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
- Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date. Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- If you still cannot login to contact the chairs of the conference, contact CMT Support (support@msr-cmt.org).
Why is there no 'Edit Review' link any more?
It is likely the deadline to edit reviews has passed. Please contact the chairs for more information.
Why does it say, 'No Questions Configured' when I go to enter my review?
The Chair has not created any Review questions.
The Reviewer should contact the chairs for resolution.
As a Reviewer, how do I compare papers?
When enabled by the Chair, the Reviewer will have access to a page that will allow comparisons of papers to be made - which paper is better than another, or which paper is equal to another. It uses Paper IDs to distinguish the papers.
Why can't Reviewers see the 'Paper Comparison' dropdown when it has been enabled in the settings?
The Chair must also enable the Review Submission Activity and set the deadline to a date in the future in order for Reviewers to be able to compare papers. The Reviewer should contact the chairs for resolution.
Why can't Reviewers find their conferences after they log in?
This is more than likely because they are logging in with an incorrect email.
The Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Reviewer. The Chair can find the correct email in the 'Manage Reviewers' page and resolve the issue. Please note CMT does not keep conferences more than a couple of years after it has ended to reduce cost. Once the conference is removed from CMT, the data is no longer available.
How did a Reviewer get assigned his/her own paper?
The reviewer has two different CMT account email addresses - one in a reviewer role, the other as a co-author. The Reviewer should contact the chair for resolution.
After logging in, why can't the Reviewer see their conference or role?
- The Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Reviewer. The Reviewer could be an Author in the conference but not be assigned the role of Reviewer with that Author-account email address. The Chair can find the correct email address in the 'Manage Reviewers' page and resolve the issue.
- If the Reviewer was invited to be a reviewer but didn't have a CMT account, they would be required to create one. Once created, the reviewer needs to go back to the invitation to accept the invite.
Why is the paper I was assigned to review not there anymore?
If you have seen your assigned papers before but now they are gone, please contact the chairs. They were either withdrawn, deleted, a new conflict arose or you were re-assigned.
As a Reviewer, how do I download the submission files?
From the Reviewer Console of your conference, click Actions>Download>[choose Submission Files or Submission and Supplemental Files]. To do it individually, click the download icon or link. If there is no download icon or link, it likely means the author has not uploaded a file. The Reviewer should contact the chair with any questions.
I can see the abstract, but why is there no download link for the submission file?
The Author has not uploaded a file. The Reviewer should contact the chair with any questions.
Why can Reviewers save a draft but cannot submit the Review?
Make sure that all required (*) questions have been answered.
If still not rectified, contact the Chair.
Why do Reviewers see ALL papers, including those not assigned to them?
Make sure Bidding is not enabled. Go to Settings>Activity Timeline>Dealine and set the 'Reviewer Bidding' status to 'Disabled' or 'Completed' if it is so.
Why are Reviewers are unable to view other reviews?
For Reviewers to see others' reviews, the Chair needs to enable papers for discussion in the 'Chair Console' and 'Review Discussion' activity needs to be enabled with a proper date. Also, Chairs need to go to the Review settings page and select the setting "Visible to other reviewer during discussion". Please contact the chairs to configure this.
How do Reviewers email Meta-Reviewers?
The Chair needs to enable 'Meta-Review Submission' setting with a proper end date, then an email link will be in the 'Reviewer Console' in the 'Review and Discussion' column for the paper about which the Reviewer needs to email. Please contact the chairs to configure this.
How do I find emails I have sent to Meta-Reviewers?
There is no way for Reviewers to see Email History, however the chairs see all email within the conference. Contact the chairs for information.
As a Reviewer, how do I add an external reviewer?
Chair will have had to configure the conference for Reviewers to add external reviewers. Please contact the chairs to configure this. Once configured, follow the guide.
As a Reviewer, how can I suggest a reviewer for a paper?
If configured by chairs, only Meta-Reviewers can suggest reviewers for a paper. However, you may contact the chairs to inquire.
Why does my Reviewer Console not show my submitted review?
It is likely one of the required questions was not answered, therefore your review was not submitted. However, a draft of the review has been saved which will load automatically next time you click the 'Enter Review' link.
In Discussion phase, why is Author Feedback not visible to the Reviewers?
The 'Request Author Feedback?' column needs to be 'Yes' in the Chair Console, and the status needs to be marked as 'Completed' with a deadline date set in the past in the Settings page. Go to the Settings tab, select Activity Timeline>Deadline and mark the status as 'Completed' and the deadline in the past. Please contact the chairs to configure this.
Why do we get 'Error: 400' when trying to post a Reviewer Discussion?
CMT does not allow users to type in certain characters into a text box that could be interpreted as html tags (for example, 'y<x') There must be a space after '<', for example, 'y< x'.
Why am I unable to change emails in my account?
If both emails are being used as accounts in CMT, the user will not be able to change the CMT account email from one to the other.
- If your preferred email CMT account has no conferences associated with it, it can be deleted from CMT. That email can then be used to change the non-preferred CMT account email.
- If your preferred email CMT account is needed but the non-preferred email has papers that are needed, add your preferred email as Co-Author to those submissions, then remove your other (non-preferred email) as Co-Author. Once this is done, you will be able to access your submissions using your preferred email. The unused account (non-preferred email) can stay in the system but will have no impact on the conference workflow. (You will have to ask the Chair of the Conference to do this for you if the Submission phase is completed.)
- For the Reviewer role, request the conference Chairs to add you as a Reviewer using your preferred email account and remove your non-preferred email from the Reviewer role.
How do I delete a review?
Only the Chairs can delete a review. Contact the Chairs of the conference if you must delete your review rather than modify it.
Why does Reviewer see assignments but Chair does not?
Make sure Reviewer is logged into the correct conference.
Screenshots of Paper Titles from Reviewer Console will also confirm incorrect conference.
How to submit a review?
- If you are already a reviewer with assigned papers follow this guide.
- If you need to find the conference for which you are a reviewer follow this guide.
- If you are sure you accepted the invitation but cannot see the conference, it is likely you are not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Reviewer. First search for the conference then contact the chairs in this regard.
I want to be added as a reviewer
You will need to contact the chairs of the conference in which you want to be a reviewer. If you need to search for the conference follow this guide.
I merged accounts but have not gotten any reviewer invites to the old emails
If you were already a reviewer in a conference with an old email, you will get new invites from the new conference as the email in the old conference has been changed to the merged one.
After the accounts are merged - all other CMT account emails are deleted.
How do I get a certificate for my Review?
Contact the Chairs of the conference directly.
Why do I get an error accepting the invite to review a submission?
If the invitation was sent by a Meta-Reviewer for a specific submission and you get an error accepting it, it is likely there is a conflict between you and the paper that the Meta-Reviewer cannot see due to the Chair's configuration of the conference.
The abstract is different between the paper and Submission Summary
If the Reviewer sees the abstract in the Submission Summary doesn't match the paper, contact the chairs
Why are Reviewers unable to submit their Reviews?
If there is no link to enter a Review, either the Chair has not enabled the Review submission activity, or the deadline has passed.
If there is a link but the questions are greyed out, it means the 'Lock for Edit' checkbox is enabled in the Reviewer Form.
Contact the Chair.
Why can Reviewer see the assigned paper but not edit their review?
Either the Review deadline has passed, the the 'Read Only' column in the Chair Console is set to 'Yes,' or the 'Locked for Edit' checkbox is enabled in the Reviewer Form. One more thing for the chair to check is Settings>Features>Review and make sure ‘Allow only revision papers for reviewing’ is not enabled. The Reviewer should contact the chair for resolution.