FAQ-Chair: Manage Authors
Why does the 'Submission' button not appear for Authors?
Go to the ‘Settings’ tab, select ‘Activity TimeLine>Deadline.’ Enable 'Paper Submission' and 'Edit Submission' with proper future dates. Save the changes.
When I create a new submission as a Chair, I got the following error message: "One author should be primary contact author."
An unregistered user cannot be the Primary Contact for the paper. They can be added as co-authors, and are associated with the conference, just not as registered users. The co-author is required to register their email in CMT.
Why can't I see the Supplementary File link when I set up everything properly?
Submission files must be uploaded before the supplementary file link is visible.
How do I put a link in the Submission Form?
The Welcome Message and Instructions field is the only field in the Submission Form that can accept HTML. No other field in the Submission Form can accept HTML. If you have external links they can be entered here. The links are only visible as links in the Author Console or the Submission Form (when enabled).
In the Submission form, why are there two blank fields in Primary and Secondary Subject Areas?
In Submission settings, disable 'Allow authors to add write-in subject area.'
Why do email template placeholders show in the body of the email?
Placeholder names show because you are sending the email from a different page than where the template was created. Each page that you email from, may have different placeholders. Not all placeholders will work in all pages.
How do I create a submission on behalf of the author?
This guide will show a chair how to create a submission on behalf of the author.
Why is a paper no longer in the Author Console?
The Chairs can go to Submission Activities to find out what happened to the paper after the initial submission.
We are not past the submission due date, so why can't authors edit their submissions?
It is likey the deadline for 'Edit Submissions' has passed even though 'Paper Submissions' is still active. If they are trying to add another file, make sure that more than one file is allowed.
We checked the deadlines and everything is active, but why can't authors edit their co-authors?
'Do not allow editing authors' is likely enabled in the Submission Settings.
I set the submission minimum number of files to one, so how can authors save their submissions with zero files attached?
CMT allows authors to save the submission as a draft. They will see a bold red note saying ‘Submission file not uploaded’.
How can we force authors to create submissions by Deadline 1 but also allow them to edit it until Deadline 2?
Set the Deadline 1 for "Paper submission" to end before the Deadline 2 for "Edit Submission."
In Discussion phase, why is Author Feedback not visible to the Reviewers?
The Author Feedback status needs to be marked as 'Completed' with a deadline date set in the past. Go to the Settings tab, select Activity Timeline>Deadline and mark the status as 'Completed' and set the proper deadline.
How do I get reviews and meta-reviews to be visible to authors after the paper is withdrawn?
Provided your Review and Meta-Review questions are visible to Authors after Author Notification, go to Paper Status in the settings and make sure both 'Review visible to author' and 'Meta-Review visible to author' boxes are checked.
What does 'Show live review instead of review snapshot to author during author feedback' mean?
If this is unchecked, the authors will see static reviews during the author feedback period, and the reviews will not change to the authors even if Reviewers are allowed to make change to their reviews during that time. If this is checked, authors will see live reviews during Author Feedback.
Why can't Authors see their Reviews?
Four things need to be done for Authors to see their Reviews.
Author Notification needs to be set to 'Completed' with a date in the past
The Review questions need to be checked – 'Visible to authors after notification'
Make sure the 'Paper Status' you are using has 'Review visible to Author'
If there are review files, select the 'Files are visible to authors' in the Review settings page
Is there a way to make Supplementary Material mandatory?
If the minimum number of supplementary files is set to 'N' and authors upload less than 'N' files, they will see the 'Supplementary File Not Uploaded' warning message in the Author console.
How do I send notifications to Authors?
After setting paper status for each paper, Chairs can proceed to send out author notifications. The Author Notification Wizard ("Submissions -> Actions -> Author Notification Wizard") can be used to send emails using templates. It automatically sets the Author Notification activity status as Complete and resets deadline as appropriate.
Are automatic emails sent to authors upon final paper status?
CMT does not support sending notification emails to authors automatically when paper status is updated. Chairs need to send notification emails manually or using "Author Notification" wizard once final paper decisions have been made.
Why are Authors unable to add Co-Authors?
Go to the 'Settings' page, click 'Features>Submission' and uncheck 'Do not allow editing authors' and save the changes.
How do I edit a user's Subject Areas?
You can edit users’ subject areas using 'More -> Edit User Information' from 'Manage Conference Users' page.
When emailing authors, why is there a discrepancy between the number of papers and the number of recipients?
Not all papers have unique authors. For example, Jane Doe has authored 3 papers, but will show in your email as 1 recipient, hence the discrepancy. A recipient will get only one email for all the papers they have authored.
Is there any way to get responses from all authors in Excel format?
From the Chair Console click Actions, select ‘Export to Excel>Submissions.’ The responses to the submission questions will be in the columns on the far right of the Excel sheet.
How do I control what Authors can view or submit?
To control what author can submit, Chairs can use menu option "Settings -> Features -> Submission". To set up submission form, use "Settings -> Forms -> Submission". To require authors to enter conflicts, use "Settings -> Features -> Conflict". To request authors to accept TPMS agreement, use "Settings -> Features -> TPMS". Authors see review and meta-review during author feedback or after author notification. When adding question to review form and meta-review form, chairs can configure visibility to author.
Why can't Authors submit Camera-Ready files after the deadline was set?
Along with enabling Camera-ready submission activity, Chairs need to request papers for the Camera-ready version using the column, "Requested for Camera Ready?" from "Submissions" page.
Can Authors submit a second camera-ready submission file?
Chairs can allow authors to upload multiple camera-ready submission files (using "Settings -> Features -> Camera Ready Submission" page). Chairs can provide instructions to authors to differentiate the files using file nomenclature.
How do I advertise my site so that Authors can submit papers?
Chairs can mention their CMT site URL in a call for papers. If users already have a CMT account, they can find your site in "All Conferences".
How do I send accept/reject notifications with custom text?
Chairs can send accept/reject notifications to authors using Submissions -> Actions -> Author Notification Wizard". Chairs can edit paper-status email templates to send messages as needed for each paper status.
How do I fix the copyright error for my submission to IEEE for the eCF?
If you receive a 4-digit error code, click here for the IEEE support site and enter the 4-digit code to find out how to rectify your issue.
Why does it say 'Supplementary File Not Uploaded?'
Chairs can update the Deadline to a date in the future, then the 'Supplementary Material' link will appear in the Author Console and not the red warning.
Once authors have uploaded a file with their feedback, can they update or reupload the file?
Authors will be able to update their file freely up to the Author Feedback deadline.
How to disallow authors emailing Track Chairs?
In the Settings tab, go to General>Conference and in the Other section enable the checkbox 'Do not allow authors to email track chairs'. Then save the change.
How many authors can I have on a paper?
The number of authors on a paper is not restricted. Make sure all authors have (or create) a CMT account. If there is any error, please update your browser and clear your cache, then login again and try once more.
How do find the countries of all authors?
Go to 'Manage Users' page, filter for role of Author, then Actions>Export. Copy and paste results in Excel. Note that not all authors enter their countries.
How do I let Authors change co-authors in Camer-Ready?
Disable 'Do not allow editing authors' in Camera-Ready Settings.
How do I restore my withdrawn paper?
Contact the chairs as only they can restore a withdrawn submission
What does a bold letter A mean next to author's name?
When configured by the chair, a bold letter 'A' means the authors have ATTESTED to their Individual COI.
How to attach reviewer comments to email for author?
There is no way to attach reviewer comments. The review phase is designed to let authors see each of their papers’ review in their Author Console. This is configured by the chairs at the end of the review phase. What can be done is ‘bulk email authors’, then when creating your templates you can tell them to log in and view their reviews.
I added a new 'Minor Revision' paper status, but those authors cannot see the revision link
Paper Statuses that are colored yellow (Desk Reject, Revision, Withdrawn) are tied to a certain functionality the ones colored black are not. Just adding another Paper Status that has the word revision will not add the functionality.