CHAIR HOW-TO: Review Settings
In a Multi-Track conference, first select the track.
This is an overview of the Review Settings page
- Go to the 'Settings tab>Features>Review'.
It is here you have the option to put in a greeting or instructions for all Reviewers.
- Enter the Welcome/Instruction message if any. There is a 4000-character limit.
The Welcome Message and Instructions field is the only field that can accept HTML. No other field in the Review Settings or the Review Form can accept HTML.
If you have external links they can be entered here.
In the Reviewer Console, the Reviewer will need to click on the 'View Welcome Message and Instructions' link.
The Reviewer will see the Message in the form of a pop-up.
Double Blind:
By default, CMT conferences are single-blind conferences.
The reviewers can see an author's identity.
The authors cannot see the Reviewers’ identity; they will just see a number – for example “Reviewer #4”.
In a double-blind conference, reviewers cannot see names of authors. In this mode, reviewers also cannot dispute conflicts marked by authors.
Require reviewers to select subject areas:
When the Subject Areas are set up, enabling this box will require Reviewers to select their Subject Areas. When the Reviewer logs in, they will see a red banner at the top of the Reviewer Console with a link to add their Subject Areas.
Show aggregate columns on consoles:
This setting shows review response aggregates on other PC members' consoles (like Chair and Meta-Reviewer). The Review questions will need to be set up with a value. Enabling this will also increase page size and loading time. This can be toggled on and off when needed.
Add users as reviewer when they accept reviewer invite:
This is enabled by default. When deselected, the Chairs must manually add the reviewer to the conference after they accept the invitation.
Reviewer invite expiration time span (in days):
This is a required setting. By default the expiry time for invitations sent to Reviewers is 7 days. This can be edited in the field. After the Reviewer invitation expires, they can be resent to people who have not responded.
Changing the invitation expiration date does not affect invitations that have already been sent. The expiration will be what the initial invitation had.
Allow reviewers to set quota when accepting invite:
When enabled, Reviewers will be allowed to select their quota for papers they can review. Chairs can also import quotas.
Enable external reviewer:
Reviewers can assign an External Reviewer to their papers when this is enabled. External Reviewers can download paper and submit reviews on behalf of the reviewers. However, External Reviewers cannot participate in the Review Discussion.
Show external reviewer identity to other reviewer:
During the Discussion phase, the External Reviewer's identity will be shown to other Reviewers when this is enabled.
Show Reviewer Identity to Other Reviewer:
This setting enables Reviewers to see other Reviewers' names during Discussion.
Enable all papers for discussion:
If this setting is set, all papers are enabled for Discussion when Review Discussion activity is changed from Disabled to Enabled.
Allow all reviewers to discuss non-conflicting papers:
This setting allows Reviewers to participate in Discussion of non-conflicting papers that are not assigned to them.
Allow authors to discuss papers
When enabled, and only after an initial discussion/message was made by PC, the authors can participate in the discussion of the paper.
Allow access to reviewing data only after submitting own review:
During Discussion, Reviewers can access other Reviewers' comments and discussion posts for assigned papers. This setting requires Reviewers to submit their own review before they can access this data.
Allow reviewers to see paper status before author notification:
This setting will allow Reviewers to see papers statuses before Author Notification.
Allow reviewers to access reviewing data after reviewing:
Do not enable it during Review Submission or Reviewers will see the other reviews. This is to be enabled when the reviewing and discussion phases are passed their deadline.
When enabled, this allows Reviewers to access other Reviewers' comments and discussion posts for assigned papers after Reviewing and Discussion are over.
Allow bidding only for suggested submissions:
This setting enables Reviewers to bid only on papers suggested for them.
Maximum number of Eager bids for reviewer:
This limits the maximum number of Eager bids a Reviewer can place. The default is no limit. To set a limit, enter a number in the field.
Notify other reviewers for review update during discussion:
When this is enabled, Reviewers will be notified if a review was updated during Discussion.
Notify meta-reviewers for review update during discussion:
When this is enabled, Meta-Reviewers will be notified if a review was updated during Discussion
Allow Review Update During Discussion:
This allows Reviews to be updated during Discussion.
Do not allow reviewer to post new message:
This will disallow Reviewers to post new messages in Discussion, however, they can still view the old messages.
Do not enable reviewer note:
With this box checked, the Reviewer Note will not appear in the Reviewer Console.
Do not allow reviewer to edit note:
Reviewers will not be able to edit the Reviewer Note when this is enabled.
Show inline review for Meta-Reviewer:
The Meta-Reviewer will see reviews in the reviewer column of the Meta-Reviewer Console.
Show inline review for Senior Meta-Reviewer:
The Senior Meta-Reviewer will see reviews in the reviewer column of the Senior Meta-Reviewer Console.
Show out of quota reviewer during assignment:
Enabling this will show Reviewers that have reached their quota for assigned papers.
If this setting is disabled then Reviewers that have reached their quota will not be seen in the reviewer list when assigning papers.
If this setting is enabled, the Reviewer that has reached quota will be seen in the list when assigning.
However if the Reviewer is selected, an error will show at the bottom of the assignments page alerting the Chair the paper cannot be assigned to that Reviewer due to reaching the quota.
Allow Chair to Notify Reviewer of New Manual Assignment
If this setting is enabled the option to notify the reviewer will show when the chair manually assigns a paper to a reviewer.
Allow reviewer to compare papers:
The Chair must also enable the Review Submission Activity and set the deadline to a date in the future in order for Reviewers to be able to compare papers
This setting will give the reviewer access to a page where the reviewer can compare the quality of papers against each other.
Allow external reviewer to view feedback
Author Feedback needs to be submitted for the External Reviewer and Reviewer to be able to access it.
External Reviewers will be able to view Author Feedback when this is enabled.
Allow only revision papers for reviewing:
Enabling this will allow only Revision papers to be reviewed and discussed when chairs re-enable Review Submission and Discussion after the Revision Submission phase is completed.
Do not show non-revision papers during reviewing:
Non-revision papers will not be visible when chairs re-enable Review Submission and Discussion after the Revision Submission phase is completed.
If the conference requires a review file, this is where the file size limit, file type and number of files are configured.
Do not show desk reject papers:
Enable this so Reviewers do not see desk reject papers.
Do not show withdrawn papers
Enable this so Reviewers do not see withdrawn papers.
- Click the 'Save changes' button to save your settings.
If you navigate away before saving, you will lose your settings.
In a Multi-Track conference there will be a link at the bottom of the page (next to the Save and Cancel buttons) called 'Copy To Other Track'.
- Click the link
- Select the destinaton track for the settings. Then click 'Copy'.
- Go to the destination track to verify the settings were copied over.