What is CMT?
CMT is a free, scalable, web-based service hosted in the cloud for managing the workflow of an academic conference. It does not manage conference fees or logistics such as accommodations, transportation or Visa issues. CMT does not support journals, books or chapters.
When should I contact CMT Support?
Use a computer not a smartphone
In general, authors should contact their Conference Chairs for all conference related questions. Users can contact CMT Support (support@msr-cmt.org) if they are locked out of their account. Chairs can contact support when all avenues of resolving issues have been exhausted.
How do I make myself a co-chair?
Only Chairs have the ability to make a user a co-chair.
There is no such thing as making yourself a co-chair (with the same CMT account email) if you are already a Chair.
When should I update my browser?
Update your browser to the most current version if you are experiencing any of these issues:
1. If the login fields go back to empty
2. If you cannot update your profile
3. If you cannot update your organization
4. If the page keeps spinning or nothing is happening
5. If you have trouble receiving verification email
6. If you tried linking numerous times and it didn’t work
7. When you cannot create an account
8. When you have password reset issues
9. If there is a blank Country field dropdown
10. When you have any error message
11. If email field or password field says 'Value Required'
12. When you have Captcha issues
Why do I have trouble resetting the password?
Use a computer not a smartphone
- MOST IMPORTANT - Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date. An out-of-date browser will give you issues.
- Clear your cache - especially for web-based emails like Gmail.
- After you update your browser to the most current, follow this guide to reset your password.
- A password reset link will be sent to the email entered in the 'Login Email' field. It will be valid for one hour.
- If you still have an issue it is likely the page timed out and you should try again.
- If you are not receiving the email, please check your spam and junk filter.
It is not uncommon for universities/businesses to block emails.
We suggest you contact your IT department and have them whitelist '@msr-cmt.org.' - If your password reset was successful, please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials as that will cause the login to fail.
- ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
If there is stil an issue, contact CMT Support (support@msr-cmt.org).
Why do I have a problem loggin into CMT?
- Presuming you have a correct password, an out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Do not use a link from an email to login as it may be invalid. Using an invalid link will give you log in issues.
ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com - If your password reset was successful, please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials as that will cause the login to fail.
- Do not use any prepopulated credentials to log in.
- Try turning off your anti-virus softwared for a few minutes, then try to login.
Why is it everytime I try to log into CMT, the login fields go back to empty?
- Presuming you have a correct password, an out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Do not use a link from an email to login as it may be invalid. Using an invalid link will give you log in issues.
ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com - Try turning off your anti-virus softwared for a few minutes, then try to login.
What should I do if the page just keeps spinning and/or nothing happens?
- Presuming you have a correct password, an out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Do not use a link from an email to login as it may be invalid. Using an invalid link will give you log in issues.
ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com - You can also try to use a different browser, like Chrome or Firefox.
- You can try a different ISP.
- You can try a different computer/device (on a different ISP).
- Try turning off your anti-virus softwared for a few minutes, then try to login.
I got an email, clicked the link and cannot log in any more. Changing password doesn't work.
- Do not use a link from any email to log in as it may be invalid. An invalid link will give login issues. You may think it is valid because you just used it, but that may not be the case. It could be a one-time use link. ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
- It is likely you are logging into CMT with an email address that is incorrect. Check the email address the missive went to.
- If your password reset was successful, please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials as that will cause the login to fail.
- Once you are in CMT you can search for the conference.
Why can't I find my conferences after I log in?
- It may be that you are logging in with an incorrect email.
- If your CMT email is correct and still cannot find your old conference, it has likely been removed. Please note CMT does not keep conferences more than a couple of years after it has ended to reduce cost. Once the conference is removed from CMT, the data is no longer available.
Why can't I find my old conference?
Chairs need to download data after their conference is completed. We keep conferences from 6 months to a year after it is over to reduce cost. Once the conference is removed from CMT, the data is no longer available.
Why was my conference request desk rejected?
The request didn't meet the requirements outlined in the guide. It is likely the email used for the chair is not valid. The acceptable emails are specific.
Please do not update the old request as it will not be seen. Submit a new request.
Can we re-use the same site next year?
New site requests need to be created every year. Chairs can export data from the conference at any time to be used for next year's conference.
Why can't I switch my role?
If you are in the correct conference and your known role is not in the 'Select Your Role' dropdown, you are likely using the wrong email address to log in. The Chair can find the correct email address in the 'Manage Reviewers' and 'Manage Meta-Reviewers' pages.
Why can't I attach a file to the email in CMT?
CMT's email does not act like a conventional email. It is not an email server per se, but a service operated by Microsoft that helps keep things anonymous, therefore it has certain limitations, such as no external files can be attached. All emails must be done within the confines of the conference.
I am locked out of my account. What do I do?
If you are locked out of your account due to too many password attempts, please reset your password.
Why haven't I received my new password link yet?
There could be a couple of reasons you have not received the email with the reset password link.
- If you requested a password reset and have not received the email, check your spam or junk folder.
- An out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date. Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- If your email is not a web-based email, it is not uncommon for universities/businesses to block emails.
We suggest you contact your IT department and have them whitelist '@msr-cmt.org.'
If you still have issues, please contact CMT support (support@msr-cmt.org).
How can I change my account email if I can still access CMT, but my old email is invalid?
If you have a CMT account that you can still access but that email itself is no longer valid, the easiest thing to do is just log into CMT and change your email to one that is not already a CMT account.
If not, you will need to go to Scenario 1 of Account Consolidation Workaround..
I get 'Invalid User Account' error in the 'Reset Password' page.
If you get an 'Invalid user account' error in the 'Reset Password' page, it means there is no CMT account with that email. You will need to create a new account.
When logging in, how do I get past the 'Value must be email address' error?
- Make sure you have no leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials as that will cause the login to fail.
- Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not. - Clear your cache and cookies.
Click here for more on login issues.
Why can't I update the 'Organization' field in my profile?
- An out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
Why won't it let me modify anything in my profile?
- An out-of-date browser may give you issues modifying your profile. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
In creating a CMT account, how do I get past a blank 'Country' field dropdown?
- An out-of-date browser may give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
I got an error: 'Login failed: The Email or Password you entered does not match our records.'
If you get a 'Login failed: The Email or Password you entered does not match our records' error, make sure your email address is spelled properly. If it is spelled correctly then request a new password.
Please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials as that will cause the login to fail.
Click here for more on login issues.
I updated the site request form to include chairs. Why do they not show in my conference?
Once your conference site request form has a status other than 'Awaiting Decision' the Site Request Form is closed.
Any changes made to the form will not be seen.
If your conference site has been created, then all conference members must be added in the conference itself.
If your conference request was desk-rejected, please do not update the old request; submit a new request.
I updated the site request form to have a different short name. Why is my conference URL not updated?
Once your conference site request form has a status other than 'Awaiting Decision' the Site Request Form is closed.
Any changes made to the form will not be seen.
If your conference site has been created, then email support for any changes that need to be made to your conference.
If your conference request was desk-rejected, please do not update the old request; submit a new request.
I clicked the link in an email sent to me by my conference but it doesn't work.
- It is likely an outdated or expired link. Please contact the chairs of the conference to rectify your issue.
- If you cannot log in after clicking that link in the email because the fields go back to empty, open a new browser and ONLY Use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
I clicked on a link from the external conference website and the login keeps going back to empty fields.
- If you cannot log in after clicking an external link because the fields go back to empty, open a new browser and ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
- Once logged in, you can search for the conference you need.
- Also, an out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not. - Clear your cache and cookies.
How far out can we have our conference site created?
CMT conference sites cannot be created for conferences more than one numeric year out. For example, in January 2023 we cannot create a conference site for January 2025, but we can create a site for a conference which ends in December 2024.
Why do I get an error "Change Email failed: You have already requested email change," when trying to redo it?
You have to wait an hour before you can request another change.
How do I get past the 'Registration Failed: Code is not valid' error?
- An out-of-date browser may give you issues creating an account. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
How do I get past CAPTCHA that just keeps spinning?
- An out-of-date browser may give you issues creating an account. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
- Typing 'edge://settings/help' into Microsoft Edge will let you know if your browser is current, and it will automatically update if it is not.
How do I know with which email I am logged into CMT?
Hover your cursor over your name and you will see the email you used to login.
How do I reset my password?
When logged into CMT, go to your name dropdown in the upper right corner, then select 'Change Password.'
How do I request a new password?
Requesting a new password is done when you cannot log into CMT. Use this guide to request a link to reset your password.
How can I change my name in CMT?
When logged into your conference, go to your name dropdown in the upper right corner, then select 'User Profile.'
How do I opt out of getting any conference email?
In the My Profile setting, scroll to the bottom and select 'Do not send me conference email (check this option only if you don't want to be contacted by any conference).'
What is a 'short name' in the 'New CMT Site Request' Form?
The short name is part of your conference URL. It is an initialization or acronym of your conference name with the year of the conference immediately afterward.
There cannot be any spaces or special characters.
For example, if your conference title is 'Contoso’s Conference on Artificial Intelligence,' the short name would be 'CCAI20xx.' The conference will be fully searchable in CMT by either the full conference name or the short name.
How long does it take for my conference to be created?
It may take up to 3 days to approve and create your CMT conference.
How long does it take for my account to be fully deleted from CMT?
Deleting an account requires email verification to complete. It may take up to 3 days to completely delete the account from CMT.
If I deleted my account, may I be able to re-create it using the same email address?
The answer is yes, however it may take up to 3 days for your account to be fully deleted from the system. Once it is completely deleted, you may use it again as new.
Why am I unable to change emails in my account?
If both emails are being used as accounts in CMT, the user will not be able to change the CMT account email from one to the other.
- If your preferred email CMT account has no conferences associated with it, it can be deleted from CMT. That email can then be used to change the non-preferred CMT account email.
- If your preferred email CMT account is needed but the non-preferred email has papers that are needed, add your preferred email as Co-Author to those submissions, then remove your other (non-preferred email) as Co-Author. Once this is done, you will be able to access your submissions using your preferred email. The unused account (non-preferred email) can stay in the system but will have no impact on the conference workflow. (You will have to ask the Chair of the Conference to do this for you if the Submission phase is completed.)
- For the Reviewer role, request the conference Chairs to add you as a Reviewer using your preferred email account and remove your non-preferred email from the Reviewer role.
Why do I keep getting an error when linking accounts?
You can restart the process. Please make sure to sign out and log into accounts as instructed. Here are a couple of tips to help:
- Use a different browser than you would normally use for CMT as cached information may have an effect on verification of the other email.
- It is best to copy and paste the links you get in your emails instead of clicking on them.
How To Link Accounts
What time-zone are submission deadlines?
All deadlines are in Pacific Time.
What is the CMT submission number?
The submission number refers to the Paper ID of a submission which is found in the first column of any console. It is unique to that conference. The Conference Request number is a unique identifier of a submitted request for a conference site.
Where is the Submission Summary?
Click on the Paper ID of any paper. This brings up the Submission Summary page.
(Reviewers can only see this if assigned papers and the Reviewing Phase is enabled.)
How do I get my DBLP ID?
External Profile instructions are here.
How can I use CMT to invite authors to submit their work?
CMT cannot be used for soliciting papers or sending bulk "Call for Papers" emails. Chairs will need to use other outside tool for that purpose.
Can CMT be used for peer-reviewed journals?
CMT does not support journals, magazines, books or chapters.
How can I request a new CMT site for our conference?
To request a new CMT site, please go to https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/cmtsrm/ page and click on "Create new submission" using Chair email affiliated with a University.
Can users select which columns are shown in their view?
Meta-reviewers and reviewers can hide columns during a browser session. When they hover over column header, they will see a link to hide the column.
How do I email Chairs?
When logged into your conference, go to your name dropdown in the upper right corner, then select 'Contact Chairs.'
Why am I not getting any conference emails?
- Check your 'User Profile' to make sure 'Do not send me conference email...' is not checked.
- There are some universities/workplaces which have strict firewalls and CMT emails do not get through. Sometimes they get routed to your spam/junk folder. We suggest your contacting the IT dept and asking them to whitelist ‘@msr-cmt.org’ so you can get emails from both support and your conference as they are different.
- Another option is to change your CMT account email to a Gmail or Yahoo as those seem not to have any issues.
Where do I enter my Microsoft login?
Microsoft login is only supported by the intrasite https://cmtint.research.microsoft.com/. This is not for public use.
After logging in, why can't the Reviewer see their conference or role?
The Reviewer is not logging in using the email the Chair has assigned as Reviewer. The Chair can find the correct email in the 'Manage Reviewers' page and resolve the issue.
Why does it show 'Reset link already used' when I have not reset my password?
If you have not reset your password and get the ‘link already used’ message it is because:
- The link expired.
Please try your request once more. - Your account was never logged into which means the system is waiting for an email verification acceptance from you. Click here for more on email verification.
- MOST IMPORTANT - An out-of-date browser will give you issues. Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date.
I get this error logging in: TypeError: undefined is not an object evaluating t @odata.count.
- Clear cache and cookies.
- If you are in CMT, log out completely, do not just close the browser.
- Please make sure your browser is current.
- Do not use a link from an email to log in. ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
- Please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when entering your credentials.
If you still have the same issue try a different browser. Make sure that one is current as well.
Why can't I register?
- It is likely you are already registered with that email. Use this URL: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com and enter your email and password. If you need a password reset here is how.
- You may be trying to log in rather than register a new CMT account.
Why is my conference request desk rejected after I updated the site request form to have the required chair email?
Once your conference site request form has a status other than 'Awaiting Decision' the Site Request Form is closed. Any changes made to the form will not be seen.
I am trying to login but the Captcha keeps giving me errors
If you see Captcha when logging into CMT you are on the wrong page.
Make sure you are clicking the blue 'Log in' button after you enter your credentials.
If you are creating an account or resetting a password there will be a Captcha.
If you keep getting a captcha error, update your browser.
What do I do when I get 'Response Status 500'?
Contact CMT Support (support@msr-cmt.org) with the details of what you were doing prior to getting this message.
Can't create account and browser is current
Make sure you don't already have a CMT account with that email. Go to the login page and try to reset the password. If it says 'Invalid user account' when you enter your email, then you do not have a CMT account.
Account verification link gives error
If you get an error using a verification link from an email, it is likely your account has already been verified. All you need to do is log into CMT using this link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com.
I get invalid email error when logging in
If you get an error that says the email or password do not match you can try to make sure there are no extra spaces before or after your email address in the log in field.
You can also try to reset your password.
If you get an 'Invalid user account' error in the 'Reset Password' page, it means there is no CMT account with that email. You will need to create a new account.
I have issues with Captcha
If your browser is current and you still have issues with the Captcha characters, you can click on 'New' to get another Captcha code.
You can also click on 'Audio' to hear the characters displayed.
You can also try a different current browser.
How do I merge all of my CMT accounts to a single email?
First you must link accounts. Once the accounts are linked, they can be merged by following this guide.
I linked my accounts, so why can't I see all my papers in one spot?
Linking accounts is just the first step towards merging accounts. Linking accounts just provides convenience of not having to sign in/out of multiple accounts when switching between them.
In order to merge the accounts to have a consolidated view, you will need to perfom the secondary steps by following this guide.
The new password I created doesn't work
Please be aware of any leading and trailing spaces when copying and pasting your new password as that will cause the login to fail.
Make sure your browser doesn't pre-populate the old password when accessing CMT.
If you still have an issue you can request a password reset again.
MOST IMPORTANT - Please make sure all of your browsers are up to date. An out-of-date browser will give you issues.
ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
Why do I have to reset my password every time I log in?
You should not have to do this.
- First and foremost, make sure your browser is current as an outdated browser will give you issues.
- Do not use a bookmarked link to log in.
- Do not use a link from an old email to log in.
ONLY use this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com - Do not use prepopulated credentials.
- Try a different current browser.
Click here for more on login issues/errors.
How do I delete my email address if the email doesn't exist?
You will not be able to delete a CMT account email if it is not a valid email address. You can just leave it dormant.
How long until I can ask for another password reset?
Password reset links expire in one hour. A new request can be made any time after.
I recently loaded CMT onto my desktop computer and I can't login
CMT is web-based. There is nothing to load onto a desktop.
Open a browser and use only this link to log in: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
What is the difference between linking and merging accounts?
This guide explains merging and linking
What are acceptable emails to create a conference site?
This guide shows the acceptable emails needed to create a conference.
After resolving your issue, please do not update the old request; submit a new request.
How long does it take the chairs to reply to an email?
Every conference is different. There is no SLA for chair replies. An option is to look at the external URL and see if there is contact information there.
What does a red box around my login email mean?
There will be an error message with the redline explaining the issue. Please follow this guide.
'Your account could not be verified' error when clicking link
If the message says '...COULD NOT be verified' as opposed to '... has not been verified', it means it already has been verified. All that is needed to do is just log in with your credentials.
Why do I get 'Forbidden: You are trying to access resource not allowed?'
Your session was open too long, or in another tab/browser.
Log out, open a new browser and log back in.
Why do I get "Value must be an email" error?
You have leading or trailing spaces in the login field.
How can I log in when I get it's not an account error?
If we verify it is a valid CMT account and you know the password, try this:
- Use a computer not a smartphone or tablet
- Clear cache and update your browser
- Do not use a link from an email or bookmark
- Use this link only to log in: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/
- Do not use any prepopulated credentials
- Try a different browser
How do I stop the Chair Console from loading all papers?
Close the browser/tab, then re-open. It will clear and go back to the default of show 25 papers.
Where do I see email replies?
Replies to emails are sent to the actual email. If you are a Chair there will be email history available within the Chair Console.
How to find an author?
A Chair can find an author name within their Conference either in the 'Search papers' field of the Chair Console or filtering the Author column.
Why haven't I gotten any email from any conference?
It is likely 'Do not send me conference email (check this option only if you don't want to be contacted by any conference).' is selected in the 'User Profile' page.
Why do I get Desk Reject for the external URL of my site request?
Follow the requirements from this guide.
Why, when I login to CMT, sometimes I see my conferences and sometimes I don't?
You have two (or more) CMT accounts and are likely logging into CMT on more than one device with pre-populated credentials and/or an old bookmark or link from an old email.
If unclear about which email you are logged in with, hover your cursor over your name and you will see the email you used to login.
Use ONLY this link to login: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
How do I change my role in my conference?
Provided you know you have a role besides Author, you can click the 'Select Your Role' dropdown from the Console header and choose the role you want to view.
The change email link expired
You can request the change again after an hour. Make sure to use a computer not a smartphone.
Conference link doesn't work
If you click a conference link from an email and it doesn't work, it could be your session timed-out; you were logged in with a different email; you have chached data preventing the link from opening; or you were using a smartphone.
Provided the conference is active in CMT:
- Use a computer, not a smartphone or tablet
- Log out of CMT and close your browser
- Clear your cache; update your browser to the most current version
- Open a new browser and log into CMT using this link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com
- The conference should appear in your conference list
Who changed my password?
If you received an email saying your password was changed and you did not change it, contact support@msr-cmt.org. You can wait an hour after the email was sent to see if you can log in with your old credentials.
The only way a password can be reset is if that person has access to your email account.
Why do I keep getting the same CMT emails twice?
If the Chair's email history page shows one email sent, then whatever is happening is likely on the recipient's end. Check if you are using labels or tags for CMT. Sometimes it will duplicate the incoming email - one for each label.
I updated my conference request so why am I not see any changes?
As noted in the Conference Request guide, "Do not make changes to the Request Form after submitting and/or receiving resolution as it will not be seen"
For a logo change, email suppoprt directly with the new, correctly sized logo as a .jpg or .png.
I merged my accounts to the wrong one
Once the merger goes through, just change the email address to the one you want.
How long does it take to merge accounts?
Once confirmed, merging will be processed in 1-3 days. Do not delete any account during this time.
How do I change the time zone?
All times are Pacific and cannot be changed.
I didn't change my password so why did I get an email?
Things to know:
- The person who requests a change of password on your CMT account will need access to your email itself.
- The password reset link is only valid for 60 minutes; after that it becomes void and cannot be used.
- If you can still log into CMT, the password was not changed.
How do I find the resolution of my conference request?
If you do not get an email stating your conference has been created, then it is likely 'Desk Rejected.' Find the request you created in your Author Console, then click the link for 'Chair Note' in the Status column. You will see an explanation of the resolution.
After resolving your issue, please do not update the old request; submit a new request.
How to delete my conference?
Contact CMT Support
Is there a demo version of CMT?
CMT does not offer demos. However you can request your conference as if were going live - including the external website, and you can do anything you want in the conference prior to opening it to authors.
You can make dummy submissions, invite reviewers, make review questions; run it as if it were the conference.
When ready you can delete all the papers and either remove or keep the reviewers.
One thing to note is that paper IDs will not start where you left off and are not promised to be consecutive.
Why did I get this error, 'Bad Request (400): You have already submitted a paper with the same title,' submitting a conference request?
The error says what it is - all that needs to be done is change just one character in the title by adding or omitting a space, word, number, or parenthesis, etc., then submit the new request again.
It is not a permanent change.
Once your site is created, you can modify the conference title at any time.